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–Experience an Extraordinary Quality of Work and Life

If we decide to work together it will change your work and your life forever. And I promise you that it will be one of the most rewarding things you have ever done—quite possibly the most rewarding.

Here's some of what you can expect

  • Master your work and life with newfound clarity, purpose, and meaning as you pursue your vision or goals, knowing exactly what you are meant to do.
  • Become more resourceful, creative, and productive, effortlessly avoiding constant distractions and interruptions. 
  • Work and create with lightness and ease, free from stress and struggle.
  • Handle the never-ending challenges at work successfully, while also attending to the important needs in your private life.
  • Enjoy unprecedented levels of personal energy, feeling vibrant and alive every single day.
Jan M. Lorentzen

Jan M. Lorentzen, MBA, Executive & Life Coach

Jan is a Work-Life Transformation Expert who partners with successful leaders around the world, looking to enhance their work and their life.

He offers a process that transcends conventional notions of success, empowering you to radically transform your thinking and performance without losing your edge, providing a newfound sense of fulfillment, meaning, and purpose.

The final outcome: an extraordinary quality of work and life.

With over four decades of exploring what creates meaningful work and life, Jan’s mission is to share his insights with countless individuals. His coaching doesn’t just enhance your work-life—it has the power to transform it.

What Others are Saying

Jan has been Featured in


Some of the Organizations Jan has Worked with

Rode Kors
UWC Atlantic
Highly Skilled and With an Ocean of Experience – Literally!

“Kayaking the entire coast of Norway has taught me a thing or two about what it takes to succeed, while simultaneously enjoying your journey.”
– Jan Lorentzen


Jan’s journey – Part 1

Towards Achieving ‘Success’

One of the most defining experiences of my life was a solo kayaking expedition along the entire coast of Norway, which I undertook in middle age. This adventure, driven by my love of the ocean and the outdoors, stands as a testament to my enduring spirit of exploration and resilience.

A transformative chapter in my life was the two years I spent as a teenager at the United World College of the Atlantic in Wales. Immersed in a community of students from around eighty different nations, I learned firsthand how our similarities far outweigh our cultural differences.

Years of dedicated study, serving as president of the student union, and eventually landing my dream job with a leading consumer brands company made me feel as though I had reached the pinnacle of success.

 However, I nevertheless felt that something—a key piece, was missing…

Jan’s journey – Part 2

Towards Serving as a Coach

-The search for that missing piece in my life ignited a lifelong quest driven by the universal question, “Is this all there is?”

This journey led me to train as a meditation instructor, spend six months at a spiritual center in India, and facilitate numerous personal development groups, all before formally training to become a coach.

Today, I live on the Lofoten Islands, north of the polar circle, surrounded by powerful nature, the midnight sun, and the northern lights. From this inspiring location, I offer transformational coaching, backed by over 40 years of experience.


  • Graduate Coach, NLP Master Practitioner, Certificate in Applied Neuroscience, all from ITS, London.
  • Trained as a psychotherapist, holistic practitioner, and Certified High Performance Coach™.
  • Professional experience spans marketing, consulting, real estate development, entrepreneurship, and corporate board roles.
  • Siviløkonom, Norwegian School of Business. MBA, University of Wisconsin, Madison. Alumnus of IMD Business School, Lausanne.

Why You Need a Coach

In a work environment filled with constant pressure and stress, neglecting breaks, skipping exercise, and cutting down on sleep have become common practices for many. In such a scenario, having a coach is no longer just a good idea—it is crucial for maintaining your performance, health, joy and a sense of meaning.

Key Benefits of Coaching
  • Prioritize What Matters: Learn to distinguish between what is truly important and what is merely urgent.
  • Time Efficient: Even a 12-minute session every two weeks can yield significant results, helping you become more focused and effective, saving you time in the long run.
  • Objective Feedback: Gain honest insights from an independent third party who will challenge and support you simultaneously.
  • Flexible Scheduling: Fit coaching sessions into your busy schedule without the need to travel.
  • Profitable Investment: Expect a high return on investment as the benefits of coaching multiply over time.

How to Work with Jan

Group 6

01. Start

We start with a free, no-obligation initial conversation for you to  experience my coaching style. We focus on identifying your priorities and goals, so that you can begin right from this session to progress towards achieving them.

Group 5

02. Then Decide

If you then decide to continue with me as your coach we discuss what type of coaching arrangement might be most useful for you, i.e. how often and for how long. This we tailor to your needs and wishes, as well as to your calendar.

Group 4

03. A Typical Coaching Session..

-with me is a conversation, via video or in person, where I ask you powerful questions and listen to you like you’ve never been listened to before. In addition I’ll share my observations and input based upon my 40+ years of experience.

Rather than simply providing you with information, I will listen to you like you’ve never been listened to before, and ask powerful questions designed to radically shift your habitual perception.

Get in touch to shedule a discovery call with Jan and get a first hand experience of what he can do for you, if you have a question, or simply would like to know more.

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